Saturday, 14 March 2020

PSoC Creator gitignore update

This blog expands on listings shown in several posts which provide details for GIT ignore files for PSoC Creator. When using GIT with an IDE such as PSoC Creator, the .gitignore file defines which files are required for the project and which files can be ignored. Details regarding the use of the ignore feature is available in numerous places, Atlassion being one of them.

Examples shown in this blog cover PSoC 4 and PSoC 6 projects.

Existing Solutions
Below are the links to a few existing GIT ignore solutions for use with PSoC Creator and standard PSoC4 projects.

Ignore File Additions
For Bootloadable PSoC 4/5 or PSoC6 projects, some additions were required to the existing ignore files.

# PSoC Creator 4.3
# Updated by  : GregL
# Dated   : 12/03/2020
# Details   : Place this ignore file together with cywrk or alter directories to match the required structure

# PSoC Creator Folders to ignore (PSoC4/5)

# PSoC Creator Folders to ignore (PSoC6)

# PSoC Creator Non-Bootloadable project files to ignore (PSoC4/5)
# Bootloadable project files to ignore

# PSoC Creator Non-Bootloadable project files to ignore (PSoC6)

# Option for .ctl files used in some PSoC Creator examples

# Option for .pdf files supplied by some PSoC Creator examples or those specifically created from Creator

# Optional PSoC Creator Files to ignore (Export to IDE feature)

# PSoC Creator User Files to ignore

# For external editors such as NotePad+++

As with many ignore files, some level of customisation is usually required to suit the project.
gitignore file
Testing Summary
To confirm the ignore file operation with PSoC Creator 4.3, three example projects were used from Code Examples in PSoC Creator. Two of the examples were PSoC 4 projects, one a standard application and the other a bootloader bootloadable application. The third test used a PSoC6 example.

Testing with SourceTree (PSoC4)
For a standard PSoC4 project the top folder in Windows may be similar to the example shown below.

Example PSoC4 Project Top Folder
Example PSoC4 Project Top Folder
Inside the project design folder are generated files and source folders. There are specific files required for PSoC Creator projects as detailed by Cypress.

Example PSoC4 Project Design Folder
Example PSoC4 Project Design Folder
Using the ignore file with PSoC4 project in SourceTree yields the result displayed below.

Example PSoC4 Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Example PSoC4 Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Testing with SourceTree (PSoC4 Bootloadable)
For a PSoC4 project with bootloader and bootloadable application, the top folder in Windows may be similar to the example shown below.

Example PSoC4 Bootloader Project Top Folder
Example PSoC4 Bootloader Project Top Folder
Inside the project Bootloader design folder are generated files and source folders.

Example PSoC4 Project Bootloader Design Folder
Example PSoC4 Project Bootloader Design Folder
This is the same for the Bootloadable design folder.

Example PSoC4 Project Bootloadable Design Folder
Example PSoC4 Project Bootloadable Design Folder
Using the ignore file with PSoC4 project in SourceTree yields the result displayed below.

Example PSoC4 Bootloader Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Example PSoC4 Bootloader Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Testing with SourceTree (PSoC6)
For a standard PSoC6 project the top folder in Windows may be similar to the example shown below.

Example PSoC6 Project Top Folder
Example PSoC6 Project Top Folder
Inside the project design folder are generated files and source folders.

Example PSoC6 Project Design Folder
Example PSoC6 Project Design Folder
Using the ignore file mentioned in the previous section with PSoC6 project in SourceTree yields the result displayed below.

Example PSoC6 Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Example PSoC6 Project in SourceTree using gitignore
Final Thoughts
Using an ignore file with version control software such as GIT can ensure that only pertinent files to build a project are retained. The ignore file configuration however should be reviewed when projects change and if a new release of the associated IDE software replaces a prior release.

The ignore file provided in this blog for GIT projects is therefore always a work in progress!

Friday, 13 March 2020

Bosch Dishwasher Test Program SMS63M08

This blog details how the test program for a Bosch dishwasher model SMS63M08 is started. It should be stated that content in this post was derived from a video on similar Bosch dishwashers. All credit to SamuraiRepairman for details in the video.

Enabling Bosch Test Program
With the Bosch dishwasher switched off press any two wash programs then the ON/OFF power button, as shown by green in the image below.

Bosch SMS63M08
Bosch SMS63M08
The display on the Bosch will flash on for a moment then display P0. Two of the LEDs should be illuminated, as displayed below.

Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program (P0)
Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program (P0)
Press the button Pots/Pans and the display will change to P1. One LED will remain illuminated.

Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program (P1)
Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program (P1)
Press the button Pre-rinse and the test program will begin. The display shows an S with a number which appears to be a timer.

Bosch SMS63M08 Running Test Program
Bosch SMS63M08 Running Test Program
The test program runs for over 20 minutes after which any errors are displayed.

Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program End
Bosch SMS63M08 Test Program End
For a description of any error code see sites such as Bosch Dishwasher Error Codes.