Saturday, 30 September 2023

Piezo Transducer Testing

This blog shows a piezo transducer's audible response to square waves. Measurements were performed using the software Friture with an external microphone.

Piezo Transducer
Piezo Transducer

Following an incorrect delivery of a piezo transducer instead of a piezo sounder, it was fascinating to determine how the device would respond different frequencies.

Test Device
A piezo sounder is a device containing the piezo element and related drive circuitry. The drive circuitry generates the necessary signal to drive the piezo element at a specific frequency.
The piezo transducer (piezo element) tested in this blog was a part (ABT-414-RC) that specified the external drive at a certain frequency.

The specifications for the transducer are replicated below from the datasheet.

ABT-424-RC Transducer Specifications
ABT-414-RC Transducer Specifications

To measure the response of the transducer, a function generator was connected directly to the piezo. The function generator settings were made for a square wave at 0 - 3 V pk with a 50 % duty.

Image of Test Setup
Image of Test Setup

Measuring the transducer sound output was performed using the software package Friture. Friture is an open-source easy-to-navigate real-time audio analyser.

About Friture
About Friture

Friture was configured with the settings displayed below, A weighting for the measurements.

Friture Settings
Friture Settings

The microphone for measurement was a Thronmax MDrill One Pro configured for cardioid mode.

Measurements (dB) were performed at 50 cm instead of the usual distance of 100 cm. These measurements were indicative.

Frequencies between 1 kHz and 4 kHz were set on the function generator, with measured values taken from Friture. Pictured below are the plotted results taken at 50 cm spacing between the piezo and microphone.

Plot of Measurements vs Frequency for ABT-414-RC
Plot of Measurements vs Frequency for ABT-414-RC

The operation of the function generator was then changed from a single frequency to a sweep. Frequencies were swept between 1 kHz and 6 kHz over a period of 100 ms.

In the screen capture below from Friture, the first frequency peak at
2.4 kHz is seen first. There was a second resonant measurement at approximately 5 kHz.

Plot from Friture for ABT-414-RC Frequency Sweep
Plot from Friture for ABT-414-RC Frequency Sweep

The sweep response above shows that the drive frequency for the piezo transducer can vary by a more than 100 Hz with minor reduction in output level.

Lastly, the function generator output frequency was set to 2.4 kHz. The measurement from Friture is displayed blow.

Piezo Measurement at 2.4 kHz
Piezo Measurement at 2.4 kHz
Limiting Piezo Voltage

To limit voltages seen by the driving source, a device such as a general-purpose diode is recommended across the terminals of the piezo. The two oscilloscope captures below show the effect on the waveform with and without a diode across the transducer. 

When measuring the sound level with the microphone, the difference in measurements for a frequency of 2.4 kHz was less than 2 dB with and without a diode fitted.

Waveform at Piezo Transducer
Waveform at Piezo Transducer

Waveform at Piezo Transducer with Parallel Diode
Waveform at Piezo Transducer with Parallel Diode

A piezo transducer can readily replace a piezo sounder however, implementation will depend on the hardware utilised to drive the piezo. Circuit protection should also be reviewed as part of the standard impact analysis.