Sunday, 12 November 2023

Voltage Interruption Tester for EN 61000-4-29 Code Update

This blog provides a software update to the Voltage Interruption Tester discussed in previous posts

Code Changes
A simple software watchdog was added to the code. The watchdog duration was determined by measuring the maximum cycle time of the main loop with some additional time to account for jitter.

Decrementing counter was placed in the system timer.

* @brief System Timer
* @note  1 ms
    if (WD_Ctr != 0)
        if (WD_Ctr == 0)
        {          CySoftwareReset();      /* Should never get here */

Time timer was refreshed in main.

* @brief    Main
* @return   The point of no main *******************************************************************************/
int main()
      WD_Ctr = WD_TIMEOUT;


Interruption Tester 0.1d PSoC Project

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Hakko FM-2025 FM-2027 DIN Cable Connections

This post provides the wire colours connected to the 8-way DIN connector for the Hakko FM-2025 and FM-2027 soldering handpieces. The information may help those repairing damaged or worn cabling on those handpieces.

This handpiece has no LED in the handle.

Hakko FM-2025 Soldering Handpiece
Hakko FM-2025 Soldering Handpiece

Hakko FM-2025 DIN Connections
Hakko FM-2025 DIN Connections

This handpiece has a red LED in the handpiece.

Hakko FM-2027 Soldering Handpiece
Hakko FM-2027 Soldering Handpiece

Hakko FM-2027 DIN Connections
Hakko FM-2027 DIN Connections

Note: The pin numbering taken from the DIN connector was not easily readable and should be verified.