Thursday, 29 April 2021

Novel Voltage Interruption Tester for IEC 61496-1

This blog provides details of a novel voltage interruption tester that demonstrates the requirements listed in the IEC 61496-1 standard, section 

The tester was needed because certain types of electronic hardware must be tested to the IEC 61496-1 standard and dedicated testing facilities have had reduced access during the pandemic. The purpose of the tester in this blog is preliminary testing which would not replace an authorised testing facility.

The interruption test hardware described in this blog was designed for DC systems to 48 V and currents to 3 A. For design constraints, interruption timing was considered important, followed by access to available hardware then output voltage regulation.

The capture below displays section of the IEC standard which shows the timing of the three interruption tests.

Supply Voltage Interruptions
Supply Voltage Interruptions

Hardware Solutions
Off the shelf power supply evaluation boards such as the Vishay SiC461 were tested initially. To control the output voltage, a programmable resistor replaced one of the feedback elements. By using a programmable resistor, a 10 ms pulse width was achievable. However, the output voltage rise and fall times were asymmetrical and several milliseconds in duration.

Alternative solutions utilising linear regulators such as the LM317T were analysed. The linear regulator produced very sharp output voltage rise and fall times. The limitation of the linear regulator was the LM317 voltage regulation and accompanying device heat dissipation.

By utilising existing resources, such as individual benchtop supplies, a simpler solution was identified. It was likely that workspaces would have access to one dual output or two single regulated adjustable power supplies. These supplies could be used together for the switching tests.

The hardware in the system consisted of a microcontroller (PSoC) that interfaced to a pair of optocouplers (4N28) in turn driving two high-side switches (BTS50085). The output of each high-side switch was tied together with series diodes (1N5404) to produce the output.

One design weakness using this solution was the supply to output voltage drop. As the cumulative voltage drop of the high-side switch and diode changed with load current, the power supplies required adjustment to achieve the correct test voltages.

Hardware Concept
Shown below was the original concept proof of the hardware. The high-side switch datasheet lists an operating voltage to some 58 V and a current of 11 A.

Interruption Tester Concept Hardware
Interruption Tester Concept Hardware

Circuit Overview
Control signals generation was performed by a microcontroller; any type could perform the task as the signals are slow-moving. Two control signals from the microcontroller drive a set of optocouplers. For this design, an ancient pair of 4N28’s were fitted. 

The transistor output of the optocouplers switched the high-side driver inputs to 0 V. This was required as the inputs of the high-side drivers BTS50085 must be switched to 0 V to activate their outputs.

An off the shelf CY8CKIT-059 Cypress development board implemented a PWM to drive two outputs for the optocouplers. 

The onboard switch and LED acted as the user interface. 

Repetitive switch presses selected a subsequent test. Flashes from the onboard blue LED indicated the test number. No flash for off, one flash for test one up to three flashes for test three.

For the top design in PSoC Creator, the first PWM output provided the timing for the voltage dip. The second PWM output configuration and some flip flops ensured that the half voltage was active before and after the first PWM changed state. Understandably there are other ways to use the PWM component, again this was a concept proof.

PSoC Creator PWM Test Setup
PSoC Creator PWM Test Setup

The PWM was configured as illustrated below. Settings were controlled from within the code.

PWM Component Setup
PWM Component Setup

The rise and fall times (10%, 90%) were 20 us and 90 us respectively
with the output driving a resistive load.

Rise Time for Resistive Load
Rise Time for Resistive Load

Fall Time for Resistive Load
Fall Time for Resistive Load

Output Waveforms
The following captures were taken when driving a resistive load.

Interruption Test 1 with Resistive Load
Interruption Test 1 with Resistive Load

Interruption Test 2 with Resistive Load
Interruption Test 2 with Resistive Load


Interruption Test 3 with Resistive Load
Interruption Test 3 with Resistive Load

The next captures were taken when driving a DC 12 V fan.

Interruption Test 1 with DC Fan
Interruption Test 1 with DC Fan

Interruption Test 2 with DC Fan
Interruption Test 2 with DC Fan

Interruption Test 3 with DC Fan
Interruption Test 3 with DC Fan

Output Voltages
For the three interruption tests, various loads were tested and peak voltages measured.

Interruption Test 1 with Various Resistive Loads
Interruption Test 1 with Various Resistive Loads

Interruption Test 2 with Various Resistive Loads
Interruption Test 2 with Various Resistive Loads

Interruption Test 3 with Various Resistive Loads
Interruption Test 3 with Various Resistive Loads

The above test results show that adjustment to the power supply voltages was required to accommodate for the system voltage drop.

PSoC Code
Listed below is the test code for the PSoC controller.

* @file main.c
* @brief Basic example of IEC61496-1 tests
* @version 0
* History
* Version       Change Notes
* 0.0           Test code

#include <project.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* Prototypes */
void led_flash_state(uint8 state_num);

* @brief Flash LED
* @param state
void led_flash_state(uint8 state_num)
    while (state_num != 0)

* Main
int main()
{                       CyGlobalIntEnable;

uint8 state = 0;
    uint8 state_update = false;
    if (SW1_Read()== false)
        CyDelay(200);         /* Some debounce */
        state_update = false;
        if (state == 4)      /* Toggle states */
            state = 0;

    if ((state == 0) && (state_update == false))
        state_update = true;          /* No PWM in first state */
    if ((state == 1) && (state_update == false))
        PWM_Stop();                     /* Test 1 - 10 ms 100% dip */
        PWM_WriteCompare1(110u);        /* Control PWM output 1 */  
        state_update = true;

    if ((state == 2) && (state_update == false))
        PWM_Stop();                      /* Test 2 - 20 ms 50% dip */
        PWM_WriteCompare2(210u);         /* Control PWM output 2 for lower voltage */         PWM_Start();
        state_update = true;

if ((state == 3) && (state_update == false))
        PWM_Stop();                      /* Test 3 - 500 ms 50% dip */
        PWM_WriteCompare2(5010u);        /* Control PWM output 2 for lower voltage */         led_flash_state(state);
        state_update = true;

/* End */


For concept proof, the tests using high-side switches controlled by a microcontroller verified specific requirements detailed in the IEC 61496-1 standard. During tests, the input to output voltage drop was less than 10 %. Compensation for voltage drop was achieved by adjusting power supply voltages.

Depending on design requirements, a different microcontroller, high-side switches with a lower operating voltage, or alternative components could be selected. If isolation from the switched output voltage was not a consideration, the optocouplers could be omitted.

With access to testing facilities being limited, having the hardware to provide preliminary on bench verification can be a consolation.

The PSoC Creator 4.4 project and schematic from the Top Design are available for download.

PSoC Creator Top Design Schematic

PSoC Creator 4.4 Project